Referee master-class on the WKF rules version 7.1, March 31 2012


  1. WKF karate popularisation among sportsmans, referee, parents and family members.
  2. Training of Sanker club and MKF referees .
  3. Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
  4. The establishment of friendly relations with the karate organizations of Minsk city.
  5. Determination participants of the Referee Board of the MKF.

Time and place

Master class will held March 31 2012 from 14.30 till 17.30
Venue: Minsk, Antonoskaya str. 18, Sanker Club. ( see the map)


Master-class will be jointly performed by Sanker club and MKF
Host is Pavel Piatiko.


Applications for participants has to be mailed to SENKO@BK.RU till 27.03.2012.

Photos from referee master-class, March 31 2012


March 31 2012 at the Sanker club referee master-class on the WKF rules was held. Forty two person representing different organisations was took a part.

Photos from the master class you can see here (link).