TUT.BY: В белорусской столице начала работу Минская федерация каратэ

TUT.BY 15 февраля состоялась презентации ассоциации "Минская федерация каратэ". Инициаторами создания ассоциации выступили молодежное общественное объединение "Сэнкё" и общественное объединение "Хагакуре". Председателем МФК стал Павел Пятько.

MKFFebruary 15, Minsk Karate Federation was introduced to public and press in the Jam club. Members of 12 karate clubs from Minsk was taking a part in presentation.

Presentation was covered by STV и Belarus 1 TV-channels, First Belarusian radio channel, TUT.BY, "Рэспубліка" newspaper, Joga + Life magazin.

February 4 referee master-class was held in the "Sanker" club. 42 persons was taking a part.

Some themes of master-class can be found in videos on a links below (in russian):

  1. Наказание
  2. Внешний вид

Last week Minsk Karate Federation was officially registered.

It is the very first karate organization, which united karate enthusiastic in the belarussian city.

Because of technical works site can be unaccessible during the January 3-4 2012. Sorry for inconvenience.

   Photogallery with a pictures from 3-1 kiu exam which was held 24 december 2011 was placed on our site. Link

Master class on the latest WKF competitions rules was held at November 26 under supervising of Pavel Piatiko.

30 people, representing 3 clubs take a part in the master class.

Issues on the WKF rules changes was discussed and worked out.

Master-class for movement techniques, attack starting and crossing distance for ju-jutsu trainees was held at Oct 27. Master class consisted of 2 work-outs in 1.5-2 hours per each. Trainer - Vlad Shakhov.

A lot of thanks to the Budo Assosiation instructor Zhukov Sergei (3 dan Ju-Jutsu) and his traineers for the invitation and for a zeal in training.


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