Minsk City League 2012-2013, the fourth stage

fourth stage of the Minsk City Karate League 2012-2013 season, "Open Championship Partyzansky Minsk karate to children, cadets and juniors" will be held March 30-31 2013 at the address: Minsk, ul. Bierut 11, Sports Complex «Spartak» ( map ).

The tournament is organized by SEE "FJC DiM Parizanskogo area" with the support of the Association "Minsk Karate Federation." Direct carrying competition rests on the panel of judges competitions: the main referee - Vitaly Rak (C / c), chief secretary of the competition - Leontiev A. (C / c).

To compete in age groups 7, 8, 9, and 10-11 years old are only allowed athletes Clubs Association "IFC". In the age groups 12-13, 14-15 (Cadets) and 16-17 years (juniors) - open competition: allowed teams of countries, regions, cities and sports clubs. The age of participants is determined by the date of March 31, 2013

In the Credentials Committee team representative shall submit an application, certified by a doctor, a document of identity and age of the athlete. Preliminary applications will be sent to e-mail: and a copy on sportcommfk@tut.byдо29.03.2013 city

The competition is held under the current rules WKF (8.0) on the Olympic system with comforting fights for third place (the third one). With the participation of members in the category of 3-4 - Round Robin. Outfit of participants - in accordance with the rules of WKF. Weigh-in is held at the request of selectively team officials and judges. If you exceed the declared weight of more than 500 grams, the athlete will be disqualified.

Schedule of:

30 March 2013, Minsk ul.Antonovskaya 18 ( map ).

17.00-20.00 - Judicial seminar on the rules of WKF version 8.0 under the direction of the chairman of the MKF, Judge NK Pavel Piatiko .

31 March 2013, Minsk, ul. Bierut 11, Sports Complex «Spartak» ( map ).

8.00-9.45 - Credentials Committee;
9.45-10.00 - judges' briefing;
10.00-10.15 - the opening ceremony of the competition;
10.15-13.45 - competition in the age groups 10-11 years and 7,8,9;
13.45-14.00 - Awards Ceremony held categories;
14.00-14.30 - a break for food and rest of the judges;
14.30-18.00 - Preliminary fights age groups 12-13, 14-15 and 16-17 years;
18.00-18.45 - final matches of the age groups 12-13, 14-15, 16-17;
18.45-19.00 - prize giving and closing ceremony;
19.00-19.30 - collection of judges and representatives of the teams, debriefing.

The winners and prize-winners of Championship medals will be awarded diplomas and degrees. Participants of the tournament, taking place from the first to the fourth, earn points in the rating of League. First place - 10 points, second place - 6 points, third place - 4 points, fourth place - 2 points.

Entry donation to the League is the equivalent of 15 euros (paid prior to the first stage of the League in Belarusian rubles at the exchange rate of the National Bank on the day of payment to the account of the MKF). Athletes invited organizations can not pay their entry donation to the League and to take part in competitions, paying only for a donation to the organization phase, which involved.

Charitable contribution to the organization of the Championship: for athletes participating organizations of the Association "IFC" is the equivalent of 7 euros per participant for the performance in the two sections (kata and kumite their age group) for the athletes invited organizations is 7 euros per participant for her performance in each section ( paid in rubles at the exchange rate of the National Bank on the day of payment to the account of SEE "FJC DiM Partyzansky Minsk"). All athletes of the Association MKF necessarily act in kata and kumite.

Teams are allowed to participate in the stage Minsk City League subject to the filing of the provisional application is not less than two days before the tournament.

All costs of the secondment shall be covered by the sending organizations.

In the Mandate Commission served a nominal sample application is installed, the seal of the sending organization, stamped and signed by a physician on the admission of athletes to compete or health insurance. The entire responsibility for the health of athletes and their claimed medical admission to the competition falls on the head of the organization, the coach and the team representative.

Application is valid only if the documents confirming the identity of the athletes. Preliminary applications should be sent no later than 29.03.2013 to the email address and a copy of The following position is an official invitation to participate in the Championship.

Help by phone: +375 29 504 40 87 (Rak Vitali, the chief judge of the competition, the head of the sports committee of the Association MKF)

The text of the provisions of the Competition:


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