2013 plan for Minsk Karate Federation activity (in russian).
» add new comment | 19552 reads Minsk city karate tournament February 2-3 2013February 2-3 2013 in sport complex "Spartak" on Beruta str. 11 (map) Minsk city karate tournament will held. Minsk city karate team will be formed based on the results of this tournament. This team will take a part in karate tournament Belarus open 2013 which will be hosted by BKF. Submissions will be accepted until January 29 2013 Tournament provisions (link) » add new comment | 6620 reads Photos from 19th annyversary of Sanker clubDecember 15 in «К-3» club on 3 Kulman str. (map) our club will selebrate 19 birthday and New Year. Party schedule was included:
Photo gallery with photos from party can by accesed by the thislink » add new comment | 6671 reads 3rd stage of Minsk City Karate League 2012-2013November 18 2012 2nd stage of Minsk City League 2012-2013 will held. Competitions will held in Spartak sport complex in Minsk (map). Competitions will start at 10 am. Competitions will held according to the WKF rules. Provisions are in file Ligue_2012-2013-2_stage.pdf. » read more | add new comment | 4780 reads Referee master-class on the WKF rules version 7.1, January 19 2012Goals
Time and placeMaster class will held on January 19 2012 from 17.00 till 22.00 OrganizationalMaster-class will be jointly performed by Sanker club and MKF ParticipantsApplications for participants has to be mailed to SENKO@BK.RU till 18.09.2012. » add new comment | 5512 reads Фотографии Sanker Cup 20125-7 октября в спорткомплексе «Минск-Арена» прошёл 8-й международный турнир "MINSK OPEN - SANKER CUP" 2012, Открытое первенство и чемпионат г. Минска. В соревнования приняли участие 440 человек, из них 141 из Беларуси и 299 иностранцев. На соревнованиях были представлены страны: Беларусь, Россия, Украина, Польша, Эстония, Латвия, Туркменистан. Организаторы турнира: Ассоциация «МФК» совместно с МОО «СК «Сэнкё». Фотографии с турнира доступны в галерее на сайте (ссылка). » add new comment | 4442 reads Fotos from referee master class which was held NovemberNovember 17 referee master class on the WKF kumite competitions rules version 7.1 was held in Sanker club on Antonovskaya str 18 (map). As it was announced earlier (see the announce), it lasts for three hours and includes an lection about WKF competition rules with video illustrations and questions from participants. The host was Pavel Piatiko. On the link below you can find a fotos from master class(link). » add new comment | 5365 reads Video from NSKF Euro Cup 2012 - updated 19.11.2012Following videos are about our athletes on time of the NSKF Euro Cup 2012, which was held in Minsk on the last weekend. » read more | add new comment | 4635 reads |
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