Born in 1992.
Higher education:
1. Karate coach, BSUPC
2. Chemist-ecologist, BSU
2st Dan JKS (2018)
1st Dan ISKF (01.04.2012, Teruyki Okazaki 10th Dan ISKF).
Candidate Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus.
Инструкторы клубаDariya VintsukevitchИнструкторы клубаBorn in 1992. Higher education: 2st Dan JKS (2018) Candidate Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus. » add new comment | 7439 reads Pavel PyatkoИнструкторы клубаBorn in 1972, National judge. Chairman of the Association "Minsk Karate Federation" In the recent past - a member of the Referee Commission of the NGO "BFK" and the Presidium of the NGO "BFK". » add new comment | 7662 reads |
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